
Here are some pics at Grandma Ellen's from Christmas and from the combo birthday we did for Easton and his uncle James on Sunday. Easton loves blowing out candles and helped James blow his out while spraying his cake with spit. In the other pics there is Addison with her uncle Brett, and Easton chillin in the recliner giving himself a massage.



Addison has been so cranky lately. I think she is getting more teeth. I swear they are constantly teething. As you can see from this picture she only has her bottom two teeth. She is now into pulling off her headbands and eating them, since she likes to chew on anything she can get in her mouth. And of course she prefers the headband over teething rings. So any suggestions for hair accessories she can't eat would be appreciated.


Playing in the snow

We thought Easton looked like an elf when he was getting ready to go sledding so Justin had to snap some pics of him. What a silly boy!

Easton loves sledding! Daddy and Uncle Bret got him hooked on it over the Christmas break.

They grow so fast!

Addison sits up all by herself now which is good since she rolls herself out of the Bumbo. Crawling is soon to come I am sure. I guess it is time to find the gates for the stairs.


O Christmas Tree

Easton was such a good helper decorating the tree. Addison enjoyed grabbing every branch she could reach and looking at the lights. Easton was very distraught about Santa coming however. He kept telling us he didn't want Santa to come and give him presents.